Financial pressure is now common in our society today. A young man earning a good salary, he can pay his bills. He gets married and next a baby arrives, next school fees, next the second baby, and many more expenditures increasing. The young man suddenly realizes his pay can no longer sustain all his monthly expenditure, or that his monthly expenditure swallows up his monthly pay leaving him with little or nothing to save. So, before long he finds himself leaving from pay-check to pay check, his income remains static while his expenses keeps growing by the day. Financial pressure comes when expenses are continually growing in the face of a static income. And believe you me you dont want to face financial pressure, the experience is horrible. The solution to financial pressure is financial planning. While you are single, save aggressively and begin to find how to make the saved funds work for you. ACCORDING TO JIM ROHN, financial freedom comes when you leave-off the in...